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Artist Statement

The creation of  fiber art is a ritual of discovery.  Interacting with nature and adding to the dialogue are part of the increase in awareness and compassionate response which are the essence of human experience.   

My artistic practice is based in part on scientific research of the ecology of tall grass prairies, prairie conservation and restoration efforts.   I also experience and observe the prairie throughout the seasons in the form of my rituals:  walks that meander along animal pathways, time spent sheltering in the folds of the land hidden in the tall grasses and The Crawl which is hands-and-knees, slow-moving, close-to-the-ground immersion.

The human world has long used the earth with disregard to the consequences of undermining the healthy and sustainable ecosystems that support all life.  We need to be aware of our actions and work toward regaining ecological balance between all living beings -humans and nonhumans- to maintain our very existence.